GMO and Biodiversity

Hey guys it’s me Alesha, am back again and today I am going to shed some light on the topic. How are you? Did you miss me? It’s really nice getting your feedback, glad you enjoy this blog.

GMO answer top 10 questions

You may be asking yourself what is biodiversity, well, biodiversity to me, refers to all living organisms of all varieties that occupies space in the environment that is on land and in sea. However, “Green Facts” has a much better definition, Biodiversity Definition.

Myth vs. Fact GMO Environment

In current times and long before, a lot of people would have argued the fact that GMO or GM produce or GM seeds are no good for us, the consumer nor the environment, “biodiversity”, because of conspiracies and stigma attached to it. Where GMO is concern, the negative perception and aspects are mostly highlighted, some of you might be wondering why, while the others have so much to say about it. 

Let’s take a look at this video GMO, Conspiracies, Monsanto and tell me what you think about it.
Now that you have seen the video am most certain that all those who are for GMO are now anti-GMO but that’s fine, but I would suggest to that when reading and interpreting the information given, you should do so with an open mind.

I know you all been waiting to find out how GMO and biodiversity works hand in hand, well look no further:

1.     (A Medium Corporation). GMO reduces pesticides usage, thus there was a 37% deduction. Yah! Hence the soil would not be acidic, killing microorganisms that lives in the soil and there would not be any run off of agrochemicals into water ways and further death by eutrophication.

2.     Also, increase yields and decreases land usage. Isn’t that fantastic? More produce, less land use, what more you want? Therefore, species that live in the forested areas would not become extinct or migrate hence no cutting down of forest.

3.     GMO encourages NO tilling farming. As a result, there will be no soil erosion, no runoffs, no loss of soil and nutrients and microorganisms hence earthworms would thrive in the soil and when they die, they add to nutrient to the soil also their defecation.

4.     GMO saves beneficial insects, that is, those that do not harm the crops, but live and occupy space and add to the development and nutrition of the soil.

5.     GMO reduces carbon dioxide emission, I’ll say that a plus to saving the earth from global warming. Hence the farmers would have less carbon footprint and eco-friendlier produce.

For more info please and I repeat please check this out: FIVE WAYS GMO BENEFITS THE ENVIRONMENT.

How can GMOs protect our habitat?

For further information, please check out: GMO Answer Top 10 Questions.


Green Facts, © (2001-2017). Biodiversity and human well-being. What is biodiversity? Retrieved from:

A Medium Corporation, Oct 21, (2017). FIVE WAYS GMO BENEFITS THE ENVIRONMENT. Retrieved from:

nickmariostories, Feb 12, (2017). Monsanto, GMOs and Conspiracy Theories Surrounding them. Retrieved from:

GMO Answer, Oct 26, (2016). GMO answer top 10 questions. Retrieved from:



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