How GMOs can potentially benefits the Cribbean

Hey guys, what’s up! Its Alesha here, today I am going to enlighten you on my prospective of GMO in relation to the Caribbean and I do hope it is understanding and informative to you. Also, this post would be somewhat branching from my previous post, “What's good about GM produce?.” Let’s begin: 

I think that GMO is beneficial factor to the Caribbean because of the resources the Caribbean offer that is topography- land form, access to readily available water, days of sunlight. Also, it will reduce erosion like landslides because the crops will hold the soil firmly causing the soil to be compacted.

The Caribbean can be defined as regions washed by the Caribbean Sea, (Wikipedia, 2017) but, that is not quite accurate because you have to examine its geographical, geological, historical and political features. The reason being is that Guyana, Belize and Suriname would not be apart of the Caribbean with that definition, but, however when looked at the geographically and historical feature, it is accepted. (Caribbean beat, 2003)

The Caribbean region is relatively mountainous  and flat which allows for nutrient rich soils for contour farming and terrace farming. Also between mountains, there are rivers, streams and valleys which can be used to irrigate- water crops, feed animals etc.
In the Caribbean, there are two (2) seasons, dry season and rainy season where there are six (6) months of dry season, January to June and six (6) months of rainy season, July to December. The Caribbean is also subjected to a 12 hours of sunlight for plants to photosynthesize once water and carbon dioxide is available. Therefore crops that are susceptible to rainy season will flourish then and those that are to dry season will flourish during that period.

Also, because the Caribbean is surrounded by waters and has its own water reserves like lakes, pounds, dams, streams and river it would be better afforded to harvest GM crops because, it would not leech underground or runoff into waster sources causing contamination like that of fertilizers which causes eutrophication to take place. Also, the availability of 12 hours of sun  aids in the process of crop growth.

To conclude, these are one of the few reasons why GMO is good and it should be implemented in the Caribbean because of the climate, dry season and rainy season, the land formation and the availability of water and sunlight and nutrient rich soils.
For more info, please check out:Potential benefits of genetically modified foods.


Wikipedia, (2017). Caribbean. Retrieved from:

Caribbean Beat, (2003). Guyana: The unexpected country. Retrieved from:

"GMOs." Retrieved from:


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